Monday, 4 May 2009


I don't tend to offer commissions because I'm always a little concerned I won't have the right materials, or a wide enough variety, in stock to make something with, or it'll take too long, be beyond my skills, or any of a number of reasons that make me pause and hesitate.

But I was contacted a little while back on Folksy by someone asking for a particular item, kind of an elaboration of a bracelet I'd already made and had for sale. I did a bit of research, was able to source materials I needed, and was rather pleased with the result. This is what I made, a bracelet with two gemstones, butter jade and moonstone, to represent birth months.

Then I made a couple more sales and was asked by this buyer if I could make some other things to order and, serendipity playing a part here, I had some of the materials I needed to hand from the order I'd made for the previous commission.

So, suddenly I've gone from only having taken commissions for family and friends to having made 5 items to order. And I did kind of enjoy doing it, once I knew I had the right things to hand, and in the right quantity, to do it with!

I was also rather touched by the personal stories behind the orders, and liked the idea of knowing where the jewellery was going and for whom. It was good to feel that connection with the buyer. I think because each item I make is unique (even if that was originally by default, as I found (and still do!) it difficult to replicate things exactly) I find myself getting oddly attached to things. I guess it's the idea of something being a one-off, never to be created again, and no longer to be owned by me, the maker. Perhaps I'm just sentimental!

But back to the post. Is it just me, or does anyone else find the thought of offering commissions (something I'm still not going to advertise I do . . . yet!) a bit on the nerve-wracking side?


  1. Oh, congratulations on all your sales. I also get a little stressed with commissioned orders because I am more uptight when I make the order as I worry things might go wrong - especially if you are trying to duplicate a previous piece.
    Kristin :)

  2. Thanks for the congratulations! Glad to hear it's not just me who finds commissions a bit on the stressful side.
    I was half expecting to make mistakes so I made up extra pieces, just in case! As it turned out they weren't needed but it made me feel better knowing I had a safety net.

  3. Thos pieces are gorgeous, I love them.
    Oh the delights of commissions. Isn't it lovely when someone likes you pieces so much that they want one specialt o themselves, just that little bit diferent. Like you though I worry about getting it right and often by the time you add up the time spent conversing about a piece, sourcing beads etc. it isn't always financially viable. Howver, I do get a buzz from a challenge :)

  4. They're just stunning, I love them. I enjoy comissions, but I get most stressed about those requested by friends, as I'm always worried that if they don't like it they won't want to tell me!

  5. I'm increasingly reassured that it's not just me who finds the whole commission thing scary, stressful and also a bit exciting!


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