Saturday, 31 August 2013

August Break - Farewell...

View of August Harvest
August Harvest...

Okay. So the August Break theory of posting a photo a day, or near enough, hasn't been that much of a rip-roaring success, on this blog at least.

Mitigating circumstances - house guests, twice in one month = general exhaustion Some days, by the evening, it's been all I could do to just stay awake, let alone turn the computer on... and setting time aside to take photographs seemed equally impossible much of the time.

But that doesn't mean I haven't found the 'break' interesting and inspiring. For one, I got to find some wonderful new blogs via the August Break Flickr group.

And for two, I kind of figured out that a short blog post can be just as interesting, informative and 'readable' as a longer one. Now I have been guilty in the past of making my posts too long. I know this, even as I've been writing them, but have still ploughed on, saying what I wanted/needed to, thinking that because I could find the words then it was okay to write them. But this month has taught me that, at least sometimes, a few words, perhaps with a photo, is just enough...

For three, it's got me using Flickr again.

Oh, and for four. Not all my photos have to be close-ups of plant-life...

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