
Friday, 1 May 2015

Jewelled Web - May 2015 - Link Love

Jewelled Web Link Love May 2015 - Silver Moss

The weather certainly softened and warmed everything up in April and so, hopefully, it will continue into May. Okay, some parts of the UK have had snow last month but nothing is perfect and spring often has its (very cold) hurdles... But just now blossom seems to be everywhere and bluebells are starting to show their haze in the woods by the road.

Here's some links for the month ahead.

~jewellery links~

Sculpting jewellery...

Interviews with jewellers - one about chasing; one about re-purposing, and one about colour.

Polymer clay - more real than the real thing.

A post about cabochons, just because they're beautiful...

I am not alone in my inability to size rings... the post includes this link about how to work all those tricky measurements out...

Inspiring post by Silver Pebble about inspiring businesses in an inspiring booklet... along with a giveaway :)

Another interview, this time with a polymer clay jewellery artist.

A week in the life of a mixed media jeweller.

An A-Z post by Cinnamon Jewellery.

~non-jewellery links~

If you've got a small garden - or no garden at all - then the net is full of tiny ideas to use whatever space you have. This is a great selection of tiny garden ideas to make you think... and then experiment! I love number eight especially...

Fancy trying to make your own soap? This post - the first of four - should hopefully point you in the right direction.

How blogging can change your life.

I was fortunate enough to have clear skies on the 21st of April, and a view of the moon, Venus and Aldebaran a little like this one...

Spring makes me think of cleaning and throwing out the dust of winter. I'm increasingly using natural products to clean with (who would have though vinegar and bicarbonate of soda could clean a bath so well?!) and this looks like a great post full of ideas about the subject.

Know someone who just can't communicate without emojis now? Point them in the direction of this emoji bag.

I love this print - unfortunately, my home wifi/broadband is intermittent and often not working at all of late... but it does make you appreciate it all the more when it is up to speed ;)

How to email anyone in a better way.

Have a great May.


  1. Thanks for the link to my post! The tiny garden ideas are fab, I really like the plants in a book!

    1. You're welcome :)
      Yes, the book plants are amazing... And inspiring ;)


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