
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Instant fame

As I mentioned in my last Jewelled Web, I've been featured in a magazine this month, the December (I know! I never understand magazine dates either...) issue of Make and Sell Jewellery, which is a very nice magazine even if I do say so myself, and am slightly biased this month at the very least...

I often have a bit of trouble finding the magazine but, this month, eventually spotted a copy tucked away at the back of the shelf at WH Smiths, who obviously don't appreciate how important jewellery mags really are.

make & sell jewellery magazine dec 14 - silver moss blogmake and sell jewellery magazine dec 14 - silver moss blog

Rather nervously (how odd to feel that) flicking through the issue (too impatient to check the contents...well, I did try but realised I wasn’t sure what subject heading I’d be under) I found myself (so to speak) on page 18, (subject heading - Bookmark This! (sub-heading - Blog of the Month)) along with several photos of my work and a link to this very blog.

It was a slightly awkward feeling... I've noticed many jewellery makers seem to be very much behind-the-scenes type of people, letting the jewellery they create do the talking, and I guess I'm no different, so being in a magazine, even in a small way, feels a little... revealing.

Anyway, do let me know if you pick up a copy and check out my mini-interview and my moment of glory!


  1. Congratulations - well deserved!

  2. Congratulations! You must be excited about it despite it feeling a bit revealing :D

  3. Congratulations - you deserve to feel proud!
    Kristin :)

  4. Oh well done! But I can imagine it feels a bit weird...enjoy it though!

    1. I'm trying too... enjoy it that is (and not feel too weird about it ;)
      Thanks for your words :)


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