
Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Book Review - Setting Up a Successful Jewellery Business by Angie Boothroyd

Another book from my wish lists has made its way into my hands, Setting Up a Successful Jewellery Business by Angie Boothroyd. This is only a slim volume (128 pages) but don’t be fooled by its size; it contains a plethora of information and it isn’t full of unnecessary padding but sticks closely to its remit. It’s also, rather surprisingly for this type of book, geared towards a UK market. Yippee.

For those people who start making jewellery as a hobby and then find they have a business on their hands this book is an ideal companion. It would also suit graduating students, anyone who would like some guidance when striking out on their own, and those who would like to know what they might be getting into before they consider following this particular career path.

This book basically deals with the ‘difficult’ bits involved in selling the jewellery you make, and not how to actually make the jewellery in the first place.

Legal issues of setting up a business are dealt with, along with bookkeeping, tax and administration information and advice. The book also extends its scope by exploring how to price work for both wholesale and retail markets, and how to set up a website, as well as exploring the subject of exhibiting your work, and maintaining a business long-term. In terms of both breadth of information and specific detail the book is very helpful, without being overwhelming, and is a very good guide to its subject matter.

Setting Up a Successful Jewellery Business also has some crossover appeal - whilst it, obviously, focuses closely on jewellery making, many of the subject areas it covers would also apply to anyone setting up a small creative craft business. That said, it has most to offer those who wish to set up a jewellery business, and it is well worth a read if this applies to you.

{NB. The links to the book from this post are Amazon affiliate links. This means that if you click through to the book and then go on to buy it on Amazon, the nice people who run the company will give me money. From their own stash! It will cost you nothing. If I ever earn enough to qualify for payment, the money will go to my very needy rolling machine fund. It currently contains only copper money. For more info on my affiliate links, take a look at the bottom of my about page.}

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