
Thursday, 12 December 2013

Shopping and silver on the radio

How busy is this December? And just how slow is the internet on a December evening? I have a feeling that come dusk, everyone goes on the net and hunts furiously for Christmas gifts for several hours, pausing only to sleep, go to the shops, and then repeat the same routine...

I went out yesterday to the shops, literally fought my way across a Tesco Extra (or was it an Express? I'm never sure which is which) to find one small item, fought my way back again to the self-serve tills to the strains of Jona Lewie's Stop the Cavalry, queued, noticed a monitor informing anyone who cared to look that the same self-serve tills had experienced slightly over 1,600 customers that day so far (it was around 1.30pm), paid for my solitary item, and legged it, breathing gulps of fresh cool (okay, cold) air as I left the place.

Every year I say I'll Christmas shop in June, every year I don't quite manage that...ahem.

But my main reason for this post (no, I'm not just using up bandwidth to state the obvious, that the shops are busy in December) is I caught the end of an interesting show about silver and silversmithing on the radio today, and thought it worth sharing the details as it's on iplayer, but only for a week.

Hope you enjoy a listen, and hope your Christmas shopping is going, well, easily...!

(no photo - the net is too slow!!)


  1. Thanks for the link.

    I must admit I am one of those who leave all things Christmassy almost to the last minute (almost - I'm not that stupid!) I don't get in the mood til about a week before anyway and don't really enjoy battling the supermarket crowds for the last sprout in town or dodging people stocking up with 16 loaves of bread because the shops are going to be closed for ONE whole day!
    Saying that I am going into town tomorrow morning to do Christmas early as possible!

    1. Going early is always a good idea but never more so than at Christmas. The later the leave it the busier it gets with desperate shoppers who don't know what to get, and smug people who've already finished and are enjoying gloating :D

      Know what you mean about the 16 loaves ;)


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