
Monday, 7 October 2013

Pretty my blog

Image from one of my Pinterest boards, via The Graphics Fairy

I've decided to embark on a redesign of my blog. I want to change the way it looks - colours and fonts etc - and the way it works, to allow things to flow more smoothly and to make them easier to find.

I did a course or two in web coding and design a while back and have done a couple of redesigns of other people's sites, but haven't paid much interest to my own. So now I think it's time.

I'll be staying with the Blogger platform for now, partly because it's free, but also because, despite the rise of Wordpress, Tumblr, etc, it's still managed to hold its own, perhaps mainly because so many people use it, but that in itself means innovations keep happening, and I still see some wonderful designs on blogger blogs, not just on other platforms.

So that will hopefully explain some of the changes you'll see around here, and may also make the little blogging tutorials that keep popping up a little more understandable - I figured they'd help remind me of things I'm doing, and changes I'm making, and if I'm going to record that information, then I might as well share some of it as I go along.

I hope you enjoy the changes...!

(linking up with Handmade Harbour's Handmade Monday)


  1. I adore whimsical, ethereal elements. I love it. :)

  2. It's a wonderful image, isn't it. I'm not sure my blog is going to be inspired by that, but I liked the idea of having such a 'pretty' image to go with my post :)

  3. I love the silver leaf picture at the top of your blog, it's a lovely introduction to you and what you do.

    Jan x

    1. Thanks for saying that - it's one of my favourites although I have been playing around with the idea of a new banner heading...! Hmm...*thinks*

  4. sounds exciting, i'll definitely pop by to check out your tutorials, its always good to learn something new about the mysteries of blog land! x

    1. I don't think it ever becomes not a mystery, just slightly less of one! Thanks for your comment :)


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