
Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Things have been very quiet on the jewellery-making front for me lately, and for a while really. A combination of factors - health issues, other commitments, downright bad organisational skills... I also made the foolish mistake of packing everything up in a hurry when family were coming to stay and now, naturally, most things are in the wrong place, together with other things that were already in the wrong place, alongside the remaining things which are just...well, I'm not quite sure where they are.

So, yes, the noise of making jewellery has been ringing very, very quietly...

But a while back I was given some gems, all ready with the tops drilled out and bails fitted in.

Gorgeous gemstones

I then, slowly, added to my pile of ribbons and stringing materials with a few extra pieces of cord and faux suede... and, of course, nothing happened.

stringing threads
Faux suede in autumn-y shades

But now I'm making a concerted effort to do something with all these goodies. To that end, they're sitting out on a  table, reminding me that they need putting together, making into jewellery, and then good homes finding for them.

That's all that's needed.

Nothing much.

Well, aside from time, inspiration, energy... and a little more motivation it seems.

It'll get done. And soon.


I hope...


  1. Ughm, I know that feeling - hastily tidying up and then realising I can;t find *anything* the next time I need it. It drives me mad. At least with willow work it's fairly hard to lose the willow :-)

    1. Ah, I'm glad it's not just me! Yes, got to admit, the larger the item you work with, the easier it should be not to lose it... ;)

  2. Ha ha....organizing our work spaces is like laundry and never ends!
    I feel your pain. Think of it as a pre-holidays cleanup effort! Hope you find lots of "lost"
    usable treasures! x

    1. That's pretty scary if it's like dirty plates and clothes as they never, ever end :0 But, yes, am hoping I'll discover some things I've forgotten about... thanks for the comment :)


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