
Monday, 14 May 2012

Earrings, made with love and gems

Just recently I had a couple of 'landmark' birthdays in one month, along with another special occasion, and so was hunting around for something to make. Things were also complicated as I was away from most of my tools. Getting the torch and pickle out, well, it just wasn't going to happen.

Using a very slow internet connection, and eventually an old-fashioned phone line, I managed to order a mini set of tools, some very fine silver wire (0.4mm, if I remember right), and some truly exquisite Aquamarine beads, that were as beautiful as I had hoped, and are also a birth stone for March. I also cheated and bought some pre-made ear wires. Shocking, I know.

These are photos of just one of the pairs of earrings made. The beads aren't perfectly pure, but the inclusions, as shown more clearly in the last photo, are, I think, subtle, delicate, and even quite attractive.

So, under a little pressure, and a few time constraints, I was pretty pleased with being able to come up with gifts that I thought were special and, I'm pleased to say, the recipients did also.

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