
Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Emergency camera blog post!

Okay. I've been trying to figure out just which camera to buy for ages. I can't do it. I've started to dream about it. This can't be good.

So I'm seeking help and advice.

This is the camera I'm looking at right now, a Panasonic Lumix DMC LZ10. It's not massively expensive but my budget is a maximum of £150 so that's a good thing.

This is what I want.
A good macro for taking jewellery photos.
A nifty movie clip facility with as much quality as possible 'cos I've not got a video camera.
At least a 4x optical zoom, although I'd rather have 5x.
Uses SD cards 'cos I've got loads of them . . .

I'm unsure about AA versus the lithium-ion batteries. I've got some decent rechargable AAs that are quite new, but I don't want to go insisting on them if a better camera takes the lithium-ions.

Ooo, it's all so difficult.

I'm hoping to do a photography course later in the year so I don't want anything too basic in terms of settings that can be altered.

So, please, any guidance would be most gratefully received!


  1. canon sureshot, or ixus, are good, very small, and lots of settings you can alter, it can be easy or more complicated and takes good pics.

  2. I feel like I've googled every camera under the sun so far - so much so that I forget what I've looked at . . . ! Thanks for the advice - off to do more googling!


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