
Sunday, 21 June 2009

Midsummer finds . . .

Thought I'd reveal some gorgeous goodies that I've discovered on the pages of Folksy, with a very vaguely Midsummery naturey outside theme . . .

This wonderful vase, made by by Treecycle is a fantastic example of what nature can offer in terms of raw materials, and the beauty that can be enhanced by a skilled craftsperson.


Dreamy nights by the sea are shown in this beautiful fine silver pendant, made by Original Silver.


The truly beautiful works in Sascalia's shop include this evocative picture.


A fantastic fox dressed like this should prowl every wood . . .but for now he's in Abigail Brown's shop.

All these items make me feel all mysterious and summery and, oooh, I need to go outside and feel the grass under my feet for a while . . .

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