
Sunday, 7 June 2009

Listed at last . . .

I've finally made time, pushing other things firmly to one side (and considered throwing some of them out the window . . .), to do some listing on Folksy.

I've put some of the seashell necklaces I posted about here the other week for sale, and am hoping (but not promising . . . ) to have some solely silver things up soon as well.

I've also put something on sale, knocking the price down by around 25% which sounds an incredible amount!

And I've finally sorted out my postage prices for overseas selling, just in case, you never know, etc . . .

Oh, and I've twittered about it all as well.

And as the sun isn't really shining today, I think I'll finish with some sunshine from earlier in the week . . .


  1. Those seashell necklaces are really beautiful, glad to see you've listed them on Folksy. Love the fluorite bracelet you have on sale, too!

    And I know just what you mean about finding time to do things...where on earth did this weekend go?!

  2. Never mind the weekend, what about the whole week!? Thanks for your comments.


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