
Sunday, 15 February 2009

Spring, snow, sun, blue skies . . .

It has been a slow silver week. I've got things done but only by edging forward, one step at a time. I had a good spell yesterday, worked on some more leaf ideas, developing the theme, playing around with it.

But the week feels dominated by weather and the results it's created in my world.

I found this earlier in the week . . .

A flower! Having seen snowdrops a little earlier, I felt all kind of spring-like.

Then this happened.

I added to the prints, inspired by some of the photos I've found through this wonderful blog

Yesterday, the sun came out. It didn't melt all the snow, which I was glad about, but it did make the sky glow.


  1. It's lovely to see hints of spring isn't it? I just wish it would warm up a bit!

  2. Oh, me too! But I'm going with the tiny hints and staying positive!


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