
Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Snow, frost, cold, silver

Someone has to mention it. It's not been on the news at all and the papers haven't commented on it. But it snowed quite a bit these last few days in the UK . . . I even have proof . . .

Nowhere near as much as in some areas but, despite sun the last two days, it's still hanging around for the most part. Which is kind of nice, if a bit chilly.

Watching snowfall is a wonderful way to pass the time. I spent a while on Sunday watching it come down and, as I slowly became hypnotised by the dizzying flakes, I remembered a book I'd looked through in a coffee shop within a bookshop some time back. So I did some searching and found the guy who wrote it, Kenneth Libbrecht, has a website full of everything snowflake related.

It even has a link to a place where they grow their own snowflakes . . .

I also made these as the snow fell, which I think of as how snowflakes may look if they had curved and not straight edges (and, yes, were made of silver). I'm as yet undecided what to do with them so all suggestions welcomed!


  1. Oo, interesting idea. I'm not sure they're strong enough. I took a hammer to one the other day and that made it stronger though. It lost the 3-D effect but still looked pretty decent.
    Thanks for the suggestion!


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