
Sunday, 7 September 2008

A First Post

The blog has to start somewhere and this is where mine does. My first craft fair looms - okay, it's slightly under three months away but I want to be ready early.

So now I have a goal, an aim, and that's what I'm going to do, focus on that. And if it doesn't go too well, then a lot of family and friends are going to get jewellery as gifts this Christmas . . .

And since I have this aim, I decided I should start the blog I'd been meaning to start for quite a while!

Works in progress:

Two necklaces
One bracelet
Two pairs of earrings

All embarked upon with a soldering torch this past weekend, although they've been in production since I discovered the wonderful things you can do with a rolling mill.

Actually, the bracelet has yet to go under the soldering torch. That should happen today. Or tomorrow . . .

Other works in progress:

Pretty much everything else because, let's face it,most things always need a little more tweaking, cleaning, polishing, refining.

So my aim at present (as a minor aim to the major aim of the craft fair, if that makes sense . . . ) is to have a box of 'Completely Finished Items' and to ensure it grows weekly.

Also a work in progress is My Ultimate Craft Fair Preparation/To Do List. You can never have enough To Do Lists. I'm trying to keep this one to one page though . . and to avoid writing a To Do List about it . . .
You never know, it might even get posted here.

Tune in soon for pictures! No, not of the List . . . of the jewellery . . . but you knew I meant that.


  1. Hiya, sweetheart.

    Well done for doing this, making a start, and starting the chronicle of your work. You've all my support.

    Love your Mark x

  2. A lovely comment and thank you, sweetheart. But perhaps you could log in on your own email account to leave me messages in the future! Michele x


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