
Saturday, 31 August 2013

August Break - Farewell...

View of August Harvest
August Harvest...

Okay. So the August Break theory of posting a photo a day, or near enough, hasn't been that much of a rip-roaring success, on this blog at least.

Mitigating circumstances - house guests, twice in one month = general exhaustion Some days, by the evening, it's been all I could do to just stay awake, let alone turn the computer on... and setting time aside to take photographs seemed equally impossible much of the time.

But that doesn't mean I haven't found the 'break' interesting and inspiring. For one, I got to find some wonderful new blogs via the August Break Flickr group.

And for two, I kind of figured out that a short blog post can be just as interesting, informative and 'readable' as a longer one. Now I have been guilty in the past of making my posts too long. I know this, even as I've been writing them, but have still ploughed on, saying what I wanted/needed to, thinking that because I could find the words then it was okay to write them. But this month has taught me that, at least sometimes, a few words, perhaps with a photo, is just enough...

For three, it's got me using Flickr again.

Oh, and for four. Not all my photos have to be close-ups of plant-life...

Monday, 19 August 2013

August Break - Day 19

Sometimes I go out and I have my camera and I'm somewhere interesting and yet I still find that by the time I get home again I've taken no photographs at all and am wondering just how that happened...

This has been a common theme lately, rather ironically when I am taking part in a photo blog situation...

However I am saved by a slightly earlier photo from last month today...

... I am also noticing a distinct, if unintentional, theme in my photo choices for the August Break... Nature...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

August Break - Day 8

The days are creeping by and I'm not posting, nor taking, as many photos as I hoped I would. But I'm trying to relax into the month and just do what I can. Today may be a selfie but with wet hair and having just consumed, rather rapidly, a supermarket ice-cream cornet, I'm going to skip that prompt...

Here's some more nature instead...

Seedpod for the August Break 2013

Seedpod for the August Break 2013

Monday, 5 August 2013

August Break - Day 5

I've been a little slow in starting my August Break, and so far I've failed to follow any of the prompts, although today I'm a little nearer as the prompt is "close up". Flowers are a love of mine at any time of year, but a true joy in the middle of summer...

Lavender in the August Break 2013

Rose in the August Break 2013

I'm also using this as an opportunity to get to know Flickr again, after spending quite a time away from it... Hope your August Break is good...