
Sunday, 20 September 2009

More leaves

The addiction continues . . .

I've listed a few leaf pieces in my shop and thought I'd post a few photos here of one of them, a bracelet I made, when it was still a work in progress and not all shiny and and polished and waiting to be worn . . .

I didn't take any shots as the leaves were being formed *sigh* but I did remember to take a few snaps when I was making the clasp up . . .

The leaves have all been created, along with the toggle clasp and connecting rings . . .

Making all those individual pieces one coherent whole . . .

Finished . . .

Return to leaving

My mild addiction to leaves has resurfaced.

I've spent some considerable time this last week or so patiently soldering, filing, polishing, creating pieces of shining autumn.

Okay, autumn isn't quite here yet, or rather, parts of it are (the leaves are starting to fall, even if the changing colours aren't widespread), and different parts of the country experience the turn at different times. Plus, the sun has shone hotly a couple of times, prompting butterflies and bees to fly again. And I still saw swallows when I looked to the blue sky yesterday . . .

But the feel of autumn is in the air. And leaves, which it seems we can overlook with greater ease in summer and winter, are all the more apparent in spring, when they reemerge bright green, and now, in autumn, when they turn to jewel colours and fall around us.

I've experimented with different sizes of leaves, from smaller, and sometimes slightly more abstract forms, at just over 2 cm long . . .

to the longer length, at 4 cm, where creating the veins and texture is easier with a little more silver to work with.

Earrings are proving tricky as one of the things I've always liked about the leaves I create, their individuality, means forming a matching pair is, so far, a slightly frustrating task.

Hmm . . .

Finished articles coming very soon . . .

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

And the winner is . . .

Using the random generator (and trying to ignore the fact I made what I shall call a beginner's mistake by leaving a comment on my own competition *blushes*) I am excited to announce that the number '2' came out and the second commenter was . . .

Laura Cameron!

Laura, I've sent you an email asking for your address so your prize can wend its way to you.

Many thanks to everyone who entered and a big thanks for all the feedback - it's been fascinating to read and invaluable to take on board.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

50 Followers! And a giveaway . . .

To celebrate having reached the magic number of fifty loyal and trusty followers, I've decided to do a Giveaway.

So if you quite like the look of this pair of heart earrings, carefully crafted by me, wrapped in tissue paper and a organza bag and sent though the post to the lucky winner . . . then here's what to do . . .

To enter the giveaway please leave me a comment, letting me know which of the photos of the earrings you think best shows them, and why. And if you fancy a look at my shop and telling me which your favourite item is (and why, if you like), then I'd love to know.

Closing date is - 14th September 2009

I'll chose the winner randomly from all the entrants.

Many thanks for looking, and reading, and good luck!